On this page you will find the latest versions of the scripts I wrote.
Scripts are provided as ZIP file which contains the normal and minimized version.
Product (latest version) | Description | Notes |
stickyHeaders_3.2.0.js Size: 11.8 KiB 11520 Downloads so far July 19, 2017 | Makes list headers stick at the top of the window when they scroll out of view | Product Page How to use it All versions & Changelog |
ListAttachments_2.5.0.js Size: 12.6 KiB 1895 Downloads so far August 1, 2017 | Shows list item attachments when you click/hover the paperclip symbol and allows you to directly open attachments. This script was originally created by Alexander Bautz and I adopted it to SharePoint 2013 and made some other improvements. | Product Page How to use it All versions & Changelog |
Hi i am trying to implement it for 35 columns in the list its working but the header css is changing. Like when there is no sticky header, header resembles the column respectively. But when scrolling down and sticky header is not aligning with the columns….
Sorry some of the class i am using overwriting the header…. Thanks for the great solution….
Nice Code! Thanks
Stephan Onisick
Awesome code! Thank you so much
Hello VJ Even i am facing the same problem,i am working with 44 columns how did you overcome that problem ??? can someone help me please !!
Hi , stickyHeaders_3.2.0.js is not working in Internet Explorer
Hi, any ideas how to get this work with SharePoint 2016?
Hi. Thanks . works for Classic Lists in SPO.
Need to load JQuery separately from within the site. I am calling the function from document.ready function and commented away the jQuery control.
Also calling all from .txt in CEWP: