Category Archives: JavaScript

QuickTip: SharePoint Attachment Field in List Forms

To show the attachment field in the form as in the above screenshot without the need to click the ‘Add attachment’-button in the ribbon, simply edit the form and put the script below into a Script Editor Webpart. This Script requires jQuery.

	//Get all the ribbon buttons from the action-group
	var $ribbonAttachButton = $("#Ribbon\\.ListForm\\.Edit\\.Actions a")
	//If the 'Add Attachment'-button is the only button in the group then hide the group, otherwise just hide the button 
	$ribbonAttachButton.length == 1 && $ribbonAttachButton.closest("li").hide() || $ribbonAttachButton.hide()
	//Get the iportant elements of the hidden attachment field
	var $attachElements = $("#csrAttachmentUploadDiv > #partAttachment > table > tbody > tr:eq(1),#csrAttachmentUploadDiv > #partAttachment > table > tbody > tr:eq(4)")
	//Get the 'OK'- & 'Cancel'-button
	var $attachButtons  = $attachElements.find(".ms-attachUploadButtons")
	//Insert an empty cell in order to adjust to the form's layout
	//Align buttons to the left
	//Remove some margin and rename the 'OK'-button
	//Adjust the fields label to match the rest of the form, adjust the height
	$attachElements.find(".ms-formlabel").html("<h3 class='ms-standardheader'>Add Attachments</h3>").css({"height":"auto","width":"auto"})
	//Make the file-selector bigger
	//Move elements to the end of the form table
	$attachElements.appendTo($("#part1 > .ms-formtable"))

Starting Workflows (SP 2010 WF Engine) With 1 Click

It always annoyed me that if you want to start a SP2010 workflow manually from the items context menu or the ribbon you are redirected to the page where you have to click yet another button to finally start a workflow.

But there is an better way. With a small script and with the help of the SPServices JavaScript library you can start workflows with just one click.

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Change the Access Denied message

If you don’t have sufficient permissions to access a SharePoint resource you are presented with one of three messages. If you have Access requests activated for the site you will see something like this:

From my experience many people tend to think that this is just a plain error message and click it away, followed by an email with the question to please provide the necessary permissions to access the resource. They don’t *really* realize (or know) that they can send a request with a custom message which the admin will read and cause him to react accordingly. That means that the big advantage of sending a request in the context of a resource stays untapped and the email odyssey begins in which you (the admin) try to figure out what the user has just clicked right before this message appeared.

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(Updated) Sticky Headers for SharePoint 2013 – v2.0

Update 4th of March, 2016: This script has its own Product Page now and all future updates will be posted there. Should you have any questions, problems or bug reports please use the comment section on the Product Page or the Forum.

A limitation of the StickyHeaders script in version 1.0 is that it is not working in Quick Edit mode. Therefore I updated the script and released version 2.0 which is now also working in Quick Edit mode. You can download the script at the end of this post.

Version 2.0 also eliminates a few bugs that showed up from time to time. While the sticky headers are fully functional in list views, the sticky headers lose their functionalities in Quick Edit mode, but I hope that I can address this issue later (I already got an idea how to do it, so check back a bit later if you need these functions).

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(Updated) Open list item attachments by clicking the paperclip – Version 2

Update 28th of July, 2014: Script updated to version 2.3 (see the changelog)

End of January I adapted the script to open list item attachments with a simple click on the paperclip symbol, which Alexander Bautz from wrote, to SharePoint 2013.

In the last couple of days I have made some further improvements to this script which I want to share with you.

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Open list item attachments with a click on the paperclip

UPDATE February 13th, 2014: An even newer version is now available which you can check out here.

Another requirement of one of my users is to open file attachments directly by clicking on the paperclip icon without the detour of opening the item first. Alexander Bautz from wrote the perfect script for this purpose which you can find here on his blog post. Thanks for that!

However, the last update was from mid 2012 and therefore the latest version is not compatible with SharePoint 2013. I made some minor adjustments to the code to restore the compatibility and I added a fade-in and fade-out animation, as well.

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Sticky Headers in SharePoint 2013

Update 4th of March, 2016: This script has its own Product Page now and all future updates will be posted there. Should you have any questions, problems or bug reports please use the comment section on the Product Page or the Forum.

A popular request was to have sticky headers for lists in SharePoint 2013. This is very useful if you have long lists with loads of columns. Sometimes the user cant remember what a value in one of those uncountable column stands for and has to scroll all the way up (if there’s no pagination). To help those users I wrote a small script that glues the header right underneath the gray bars on top in case the lists header scrolls out of view.

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