Tag Archives: List

StickyHeaders 3.0 Released

StickyHeaders 3.0 for SharePoint 2013 on-premises and SharePoint Online has been released.

I spent a lot of time to get rid of the bugs in previous versions and I came up with greatly simplified code that makes a lot of things better than before. One of the biggest changes is that the sticky headers now keep their full functionality in quick edit mode.

Furthermore, the performance has been dramatically increased and all calculations which are necessary to figure out whether the header shall be sticky or not take now less than 1ms for each scroll step on a normally powered computer (especially important when smooth scrolling is activated). You can grab the script directly from the related Product Page

Should you have any questions, problems or bug reports please use the comment section on the Product Page or the Forum.

(Updated) Open list item attachments by clicking the paperclip – Version 2

Update 28th of July, 2014: Script updated to version 2.3 (see the changelog)

End of January I adapted the script to open list item attachments with a simple click on the paperclip symbol, which Alexander Bautz from spjsblog.com wrote, to SharePoint 2013.

In the last couple of days I have made some further improvements to this script which I want to share with you.

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Open list item attachments with a click on the paperclip

UPDATE February 13th, 2014: An even newer version is now available which you can check out here.

Another requirement of one of my users is to open file attachments directly by clicking on the paperclip icon without the detour of opening the item first. Alexander Bautz from spjsblog.com wrote the perfect script for this purpose which you can find here on his blog post. Thanks for that!

However, the last update was from mid 2012 and therefore the latest version is not compatible with SharePoint 2013. I made some minor adjustments to the code to restore the compatibility and I added a fade-in and fade-out animation, as well.

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Sticky Headers in SharePoint 2013

Update 4th of March, 2016: This script has its own Product Page now and all future updates will be posted there. Should you have any questions, problems or bug reports please use the comment section on the Product Page or the Forum.

A popular request was to have sticky headers for lists in SharePoint 2013. This is very useful if you have long lists with loads of columns. Sometimes the user cant remember what a value in one of those uncountable column stands for and has to scroll all the way up (if there’s no pagination). To help those users I wrote a small script that glues the header right underneath the gray bars on top in case the lists header scrolls out of view.

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